Thursday, March 3, 2011

Because of some health issues I decided to go on a pretty restrictive diet. Truth be told, I actually kind of like it. Deep down inside, past my passion for Dr. Pepper, I'm really kind of a health nut and like figuring out ways to eat healthy.
But.... I can't drink coffee... which is pretty much the most amazing beverage on earth. :)
Then it struck me that human nature can be that way sometimes. We've got everything going good and "something" bothers us and we have to get all upset about it. Instead of being thankful for what we do have, we get stuck on what we don't have.
What am I thankful for?
I'm thankful for a God who never gives up on me. I'm thankful for the most amazing friends ever. I'm thankful for the life and breath that God has given me to serve Him. I'm thankful for the safety and the freedom that He has blessed America with. And I'm thankful that the power did eventually come back on. :)

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