Thursday, April 28, 2011

{Forgiveness is not... a feeling}

Merriam-Webster's defines a feeling as an emotional state or reaction, often unreasoned opinion or belief.
God does not call us to an unreasonable or blind feeling that we force upon ourselves with religious fervor. The forgiveness God calls us to is an action. It's about bringing our hurts and our pains and our worries to God Himself.
Matthew 12:44 and 45 details a man who swept and cleaned his house and when he came back to it, worse spirits had filled it. Something will always fill your heart and life. It won't ever be really empty. If you merely throw out your hurts and don't fill that up with more of God, that place will likely well up with bitterness and worse spirits.
Forgiveness isn't a feeling you develope for someone, it's the action of repeatedly going back to your Lord and Savior asking for more and more of Him and His heart.

1 comment:

MacMeister said...

Very true! One of the things that has struck me over the last few months is how many things that we think of as feelings - love, forgiveness, joy - are actually acts of will, our new nature's will.