Thursday, April 21, 2011

Joyful Surrender

Lately I was noticing that my eyes sparkled a little more, my smile came peeking through more, and life just seemed brighter. Had anything changed? Not really.
But what I've been learning is there's only pain in sticking with my agenda. True joy comes when you decide to fully trust God and say Lord, whatever the cost You know better than I and I will joyfully surrender to Your agenda.
Those who are not for God are against Him. Am I for God's agenda or am I moaning and complaining in the background about it? I think we tend to mask problems with our Christian accepted terms. Were just worried. Life is stressful. And that's okay, right? Well, really God wants you to let go of your problems so He can hold you tighter. Those aren't acceptable terms... they are just excuses that somehow we've decided are okay. But anything short of being Christlike is not a suitable characteristic.
And when you trust God, you know what? He's bigger and better than you could ever imagine.
We serve a big God who loves us and wants us to delight in Him and the life that He has given just like He delights in us.
And so it is that I ask myself, what have I done with what I was given? Have I treasured it and used it to it's fullest capacity or have a I squandered it in selfishness?