Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Jesus taught me about love....

At times I've mentioned my little boy Jesus. I found Jesus when I was browsing a list of children who needed a sponsor. He was last on the list. At the time I didn't really have enough money to be sponsoring another child, but I couldn't shake the fact that Jesus needed help. Since then Jesus has taught me a lot about love.
One of those ways was through letters. Jesus loves my letters and looks forward to them. However, he writes me even when I don't write back. He still encourages me and writes beautiful letters to me, even when I don't respond. By God's grace, I want to flood him with the same love and encouragement. But it makes me think, that's how God is. Even while I was yet a sinner, He loved me. His love is not based on how much I do or what I accomplish. He delights in those acts of love, but His love is not based on that.

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