Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lessons from the Crucible of Affliction

One of the hardest lessons of this crucible of pain and weakness has been all the things that I can't do. In my weakness I seem to be more of a burden than a blessing and at time it's difficult for me to do virtually anything of any good. This conjures up a strong feeling of worthlessness.

And yet God created this weakened and sick frame. It's not worth anything less to Him. It's highly treasured. It's one that He sings over and delights over. God does not judge us by what we do, He delights in how closely we follow His every direction. He doesn't need our works, but delights in how we seek to follow His guidance.

And yet we still want to be successful....

But here on earth we tend to have a twisted view of success. We feel that merely adding things to a list makes us successful and those who get the most done are the most successful. But have you ever stopped to think that you may be successful in things that don't matter?

Perhaps if we could only take the words of Scripture and believe them this affliction would be easier to bear. And then glory in our afflictions.

One thing I've noticed about joy is the lack of loopholes. God didn't say "rejoice most of the time, but if you have chest pain.... I guess it's okay to complain." Rather it's, when you are too weak to do anything else, rejoice in the fact that you can still abide in Me.

Joy is something that you choose.... and then you fight for it.

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