Sunday, May 1, 2011

Notes From The Devil's Desk

This meeting, this conference, was not an ordinary one by any stretch of imagination. It was a conference from the depths of hell, with Satan attacking as Commander in Cheif. It was one that you would never attend because at it were discussed the most horrific schemes imaginable. And on this evening it was about one of God's most precious creations.
Satan knew that he would never be able to twist her mind into doing the things that he would really want her to do. And so it was on this night that his plots lay elsewhere. With sneering delight he had drawn up his plan with gruesome accuracy. He knew just what would make her fall.... he knew just what would make her ineffective. Written all over his plots, detailed within it's lines, he would make her feel like she wasn't good enough, that she's not wanted and she'll never be worth it. Because he knew with deep certainty that only the slow fade and the believable lies would capture her heart and quench her light.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I literally laughed out loud when I read points 3 and 4. :D Thanks for the laugh!
~Amanda B.